Because Richmond is Richmond, I seem to find my way into many homes in this city that are rather old. I like old. I also like new.
I have lived in both and I’ve sold both.
There are all sorts of pros and cons to each, and people’s preferences for one or the other is part of what makes this world go round. However, there are some distinct challenges to showing an older home to a buyer. This is especially true when the home has not only old bones, but decor that hasn’t been touched since the 1980’s (or 60’s or 40’s!)
It requires a bit of vision to see past the vintage (and sometimes the just plain ugly). There are plenty of homes that should be gutted in order to be made right, and there are people who are willing to buy said homes, dive into construction and make it their own by way of major renovation. These projects are the outliers as the majority of older homes are simply outdated, in a cosmetic/surfacy kind of way. The homes don’t really require structural changes as much as they require more of an advanced decor update, but somehow, they still manage to scare off a large segment of the market.

Lighting, flooring and paint are all easy things to change, my friends! You do not have to spend a lot of money to put your own stamp on a home. I like to help to highlight the very simple re-do’s. When shopping for a home, remember that when you’re seeing it for the first time, it’s not yet yours….but it can be, and you can make it yours with a dash of creativity and a bit of elbow grease. I love to help clients see through the personal taste of the current owners, and begin to cast a vision for how their own style can be implemented in a rather effortless and inexpensive manner.
About the Writer // Kelly Blanchard is a Realtor for the One South Realty Group and Fan District resident with a degree in Interior Design. Her clients appreciate her formal training in assessing potential properties.